Continuing the drive to provide better basic amenities tothe people of Jammu City. Sh. Chander Mohan Gupta Mayor Jammu MunicipalCorporation today on 02/07/2019 visited Channi Himmat & its adjoining areasof ward no 50 alongwith Councilor Smt. Neena Gupta, Health Officer JMC Dr.Saleem Khan concerned Sanitation Officer, Asstt Sanitation Officer & otherfield staff of JMC. He interacts with the inhabitants of Channi Himmat area whoput forth their demands to provide better sanitation in their locality,disilting of deep drains /nallahs completely to avoid any water logging&over flowing of dirty water during rainy season, proper fogging, lifting ofstray dogs /animals on routine basis, repairing of defunct & installationof new streets lights in their locality. Mayor Listened to their grievancespatiently & assured that all their demands may be sort out on prioritybasis.
He directed all the officers accompanying with him duringthe tour to personally monitor the major grievances of the inhabitants ofChanni Himmat on daily basis. He also appeal to the inhabitants not to usepolythene & donot throw garbage , filth etc on the public lanes &drains & cooperate with the JMC staff to make their ward neat clean &green .
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